LIMITED-TIME CONTENT 🎁Style Swap - Tradable Avatars🤝

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Nov 9, 2023.

  1. 399ec ridiculous, if u can make these tradeable then u can make the ones we already own tradeable. 🤔
    Jynx, Choice, Sumie710 and 8 others like this.
  2. Like we know your lights are on but can we keep ours on?! These prices are legit ridiculous. Cute avis but it’s a nah for me
    Gir, ree24, Sumie710 and 12 others like this.
  3. ATA out here acting like we aren’t in the middle of serious inflation.. absolutely ridiculous.
    Gir, ree24, Adore and 11 others like this.
  4. Bf irl is trash and y’all decided to bring it in game?? Cheap mfs💀
    ree24, Puma, -Coffee and 10 others like this.
  5. Why so expensive tho
    ree24, Puma, Espacio and 4 others like this.
  6. What’s more absurd than the ridiculous prices is that people are actually buying them. I just saw someone buy one for 70🍱, which is insane for a 65/65 avi.

    Some people just lack impulse control, and ATA can always make a quick buck off them. If you’re complaining about the price, it’s because you aren’t the target demographic.
    ree24, Kie_, Puma and 22 others like this.
  7. I feel if it costs 399EC for ONE box, at least let us choose which one we get, instead of it being random chance. 👀
    Toker, Puma, Jynx and 16 others like this.
  8. Why y’all didn’t get the artist that designed those avis to design for Black Friday? Literally SO much better.

    And yes, it’s expensive, but everything is pricey here. You guys could’ve at least let us CHOOSE what we want to buy instead of getting us to spend 399 ecs blindly. Nobody wants to spend so much without even knowing what they’ll get and most likely not getting what they want.
    ree24, Toker, Ahegao and 19 others like this.
  9. When we say we wanna trade avis, we don't mean this. 🤣 I gotta laugh, cause if I don't I'll cry. This is rude.
    ree24, Pope, -Coffee and 15 others like this.
  10. 399ec is INSANE. And it's not like they avas are groundbreakingly good anyway 😗
    ree24, Espacio, FastForward and 2 others like this.
  11. Ngl I was wishing to trade avis I already own..bummer 😔
    ree24, -Coffee, Sumie710 and 6 others like this.
  12. I just want to know how a 399ec avi translates to 50b 🌚
    Toker, -Coffee, Espacio and 8 others like this.
  13. Over 300$ for 6 avatars what the actual scam is this. Each day we stray further into the void of disappointment. I’m so over this.
    Gir, ree24, totoro and 10 others like this.
  14. Finally gave us something we asked for but did it in a way so no one would actually get them
    Gir, ree24, totoro and 13 others like this.
  15. i’m guessing the math is $1 = 100EC so 399EC = 40b and 1b = roughly .40-$1 depending on the seller 😭 i could be wrong math is NOT my strong suit
  16. Wouldnt it be $10 usd equals 100 ec? Since a 200 ex pack is $19.99?
  17. These avatars are not even nice and they're trying to sell them for 399 ec, and thats even just a random one. Its laugable. NO THANK YOU!
    ree24, Sumie710, Espacio and 3 others like this.
  18. The thing is.. 100ec translates to 4b in game, such as with gifts or special Molly deals stats (200ec usually being 8-10b).. so it should’ve only been 20-25b max realistically speaking.
    ree24, Drinkblood, CapedClown and 2 others like this.
  19. Sad. I like the idea but again it's for ec and again for a ridiculous high price. So..... NO!
    ree24, Espacio, Aei and 1 other person like this.
  20. So for prices I’m seeing
    Sporty 25B
    Chic 3-35B
    Pastel 45B

    people selling for 100B for the pastel is just ridiculous. You know them stats and the design isn’t worth that much. the market is wack rn.
    ree24, Virtue, Sumie710 and 8 others like this.