LIMITED-TIME CONTENT πŸ‚ Autumnal Bloom Shard Box πŸ‚

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Sep 8, 2022.

  1. Why the men always look better or worse? It's the same with females 😣
  2. I love the avatars this month especially the autumnal female and male 😍 I'm not collecting the same avatar shards twice spending outrageous unnecessary money (me personally) I do agree they need to stop having us spend so much money opening up these boxes. This was the hidden gem of this update since I won't be sticking around for the main event πŸ˜†
  3. All I wanted was golden shards… so of course when I opened 2 boxes I barely got any of those 😣
  4. You could do better with VIP 😩
  5. Selling green and yellow. Buying orange. Wmo. Tyvm.
  6. Selling Instant avis (400πŸ’šπŸ¦‹: 2B / 77c)
  7. Selling all 3 shard types wmo
  8. anyone still have this shard. i want to buying plssss 😭
  9. Still selling, not much tho, wmo.