Y'all complain to much like good gracious at least the avis are the right portions, their faces aren't fucked up, and they have a good color palette. The furni is cute enough and the misc is adorable. Let's all be so fr with ourselves, they lost half their team somehow (I saw the indeed listings), you cant expect them to blow us out of the water EVERY time. 😭💀 Reminiscent of the Northern Lit hunt, one of my favorites. 🙂↕️
I like this hunt, but I do agree it feels like this hunt and the previous should've been reversed. It is nice to have a lowkey Xmas hunt though. Although I'm speaking as a retail worker that's been pelted with Xmas since July. 🙊
Eugh, god I hate this. Not gonna lie I was hoping for another cure winter themed hunt, we haven't gotten one so far, closest is the recolor of the December monthly stuff (I mean come on...) Avis are plain, nothing like what I would expect for an event that happens over Christmas itself, the furniture is ehh, not the worst thing I've seen? Like there's a few pieces I could maybe see used, but is it Christmas themed? Hell no, take away the 999 and the 499 and you're just left with an Aurora theme. Really disappointed, but why am I suprised by that. I didn't like last hunt, but at least I could see why people would like it. Northern Lit is still the better aurora theme
Why does the hunt avi girl look like a white ooompaloompa? I really thought this was gonna be a good hunt up until i saw that then I had to look into it better.... Why yall gotta give us a decent hunt (granted I wasn't a fan but I accept it for actually having some thought and effort into it FINALLY) then just remind me why I stopped caring about hunts to begin with. Like damn these avis are very bland. Like this what I gotta use the rest of my spare invites on? Such a waste unfortunately but I guess that's how the cookie crumbles when yall don't listen to what your players want and do rushed jobs on them.... Here's a thought ask the OG designer for help maybe they can teach you a thing or two about details and what a decent design is. Granted theirs looked like paper cut outs but least they where decent looking paper cut outs especially for the time frame pimd came out. And please for the love of God when I say this I DONT MEAN BRING BACK THE OLD AVIS. AINT NO ONE LIKE THE 2ND VERSION OF THE SAME DAMN MOVIE!
Why did the two hunts worth of furniture not make it into your recently released winter furniture box and when will you fix it?