CURRENT EVENT 🌌 The Dancing Light 🌌

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Villanel, Nov 6, 2024.

  1. It is
    Espacio likes this.
  2. Basically y'all put Christmas and New Year's together.
    -Fae-, Kukki, Placebo and 7 others like this.
  3. Calling it now
    White girl on the right is lb
    Black girl is third/fourth side story
    Espacio, Amarilove and Kiko like this.
  4. How do we get the blk girl
    Espacio likes this.
  5. Not a fan of the room or the Avis finally I won’t have to spend bentos or buy keys
  6. Why is the hunt 17 days long? 😩
    Y’all keep changing the hunt changeover days from Tuesday to Friday and vice versa🀺
    FastForward, Vexes, Espacio and 4 others like this.
  7. I’ll forgive yall for the bad hunt if you bring back some good throwback shards pls & ty
    Espacio, iMoan and LeeJarrett like this.
  8. Trade your James pond with me stat4stat plz
  9. Say Sike rn because this is so low effort 😭
  10. I only love this because the black girl looks so good lmao. Everything else is ok.
    Espacio, Amarilove, iMoan and 2 others like this.
  11. Trash
    Espacio likes this.
  12. I do feel this is somewhat cute tbh. Holiday hybrid theme hunts tend to fall closer to the "absolutely astrocious" end of the spectrum, but this wasn't as bad as it could have been. Not a high bar, but the train of disappointment with recycle content lately probably softened the blow. Since last hunt was already Christmas themed, it makes sense to angle it more towards New Year's colors. Christmas themed furn and green/red avis were inclusive at least, considering Christmas falling during this hunt.

    Avis: I think more pizzazz on the main and box fem avis' dresses would have been nice, especially main story. The work on all the fem avis' makeup, accessories, nails, gloves, etc were really nice and these dresses could have had a bit more design-wise or stylistically to match that effort. I think I would be willing to wear any of the four masc avis if I were to want to wear a masc avi other than select box ones I've won and shard avis I've obtained. The lower right one should have been switched between basic and vip for the Christmas and New Years color matching with other avis though.

    Furn: Liked the silent night x quiet countdown to New Year's vibe from the set. I do think lighting/shading could have been more consistent. I can't understand where the light source(s) is/are coming from.

    Pet Styles: Nice to see related Christmas pet styles being brought back. There should have been at least one new pet style to go along with them imo especially since there wasn't one last hunt.

    Ppotd stats drop: There being a ppotd drop this hunt is, as usual, a good thing. It being related to the concept of timing of both holidays is pretty applicable. Nice creative work there.
  13. You always have the best comments & critiques 🫢
    MayaTheHopeful, Dolcezza and iMoan like this.
  14. I like the dorm but not the avis tbh
  15. wtf is this, and why break your 12 day quests πŸ₯΄πŸ₯Έ
    Placebo and Lobster like this.
  16. Wow you've really out done yourself....for ugliest hunt ever!! 😭 Wtf is this shit
    Toker and Unicornio like this.
  17. The lie box avi is so cute πŸ₯°
    Vexes likes this.
  18. Thank GOD I went for t100 last hunt… cuz wtf is this??

    only good part about this is the furni πŸ˜“