Oooo i like everything!!! Avis are cute and dorm is great🤩 not so into the spinner set tho but all in all great job these avis are good after a long time
Love the spinner, dorm, avis. Wish it was back to 3 masc avis but I know even if there was it wouldn’t be to the same standard as the fem avis we got this time around. Anddd of course we can’t get the lowest tier with our daily coins. Why did you have to change it up this month? Please be a glitch or something 🥲
Oh no! Only two males? Only two male avis that I would never even consider buying in the first place? I’m literally dying right now. You have wounded me deeply ATA. How dare? Actually, I was just wondering if you’ve added the 13 ac avis to the xc coin list yet. Didn’t see them listed earlier.
What's with the hate to male Avis ATA? Lately the male Avis are so lame, ugly and not as much as the female Avis, 4 vs 2! Really!?