I really like this month furniture and avatars, but honestly do you guys not test the avatars on profiles before final approve? 62 Coin Female’s ass is completely cut off when being used lol.
This. These avis feel like they’re recycled/srapped Valentine’s hunt avis; I’m so tired of the different lighting for VIP avis instead of different color palettes.
Sooo are you putting the furni in boxes orr ..? It’s not showing in the winter furni boxes so - is it going to be in a new one or summin? Either way I’d like to be able to try and pull stuff or wtv
i like the avis, kinda messed up the guys only get 2 though cuz?? profits?? fems sell more = regularly scheduled ata greed??? anyway put monthly avis back on the spinner 🔪 thank you
Not always female. Just dominately (75+%) female. I have a male, his name is Crucible and he's a rescue with a messed up tail.
Which seasonal boxes though? The problem is that they AREN'T in the currently-releasing seasonal boxes.
From what I know fems get more because they sell more and because they're usually more appreciative of variation or something like that.
when they offered more than 2 male Avis in the beginning of Monthly Avatars, they weren’t as popular as purchases among men. Why is ATA going to waste time designing Avis if they won’t be bought? Waste of time and money when they know females are more likely to play this game and purchase cute avatars and dorm items.