Readers, I'm extremely extremely sorry I haven't been posting. I get up every morning at 5:30AM to go to swim practice and then right after, I have classes until 1. The homework they give me is crucial and takes me around 3-5 hours to complete. After dinner, I have to practice for drums, so my weekdays are all booked ?. I'm so sorry... I don't know how I have time to write... Weekends maybe? Keep bumping . I don't want to quit this story!
Yay! New reader! I think I can update tonight!!!! I'm going to email myself all the ones onto my new phone . If not tonight, tomorrow! Maybe I'll have two for you tomorrow! ? we'll see! Thanks for being patient lovelies. I love you all ?
~~~~UPDATE!~~~~ "Well aren't you gonna do it?" Nathaniel asks. "I- don't know... Smokin' isn't really good for you," I say nervously. "Are you kiddin'? It makes you feel relaxed and really good," Nathaniel laughs. "But it can hurt-," I protest. "Just leave. Don't argue with us. If you change your mind, let us know," Nathaniel says endin' our argument. I get up and leave the basement really angry. How could they do that? I shoulda known they were just a bunch of hippies. They even laughed at my dress, the one that DREW and Zach liked. Ugh. I slam the basement door and Zach reappears. I try to walk quickly away from him, but he walks through the living room and blocks the front door. "What do ya want," I ask and cross my arms. "I want you to meet someone," he responds and pulls my arm into the kitchen. I see a girl sitting on the high chair at the counter and sippin' her drink. "Alexis? This is Darla; she's my next door neighbor," Zach introduces, "Darla, this is Alexis, my girlfriend ." She turns around and I can see why he likes her so much; bright smile, huge eyes, and perfectly straight black hair. "Hi Darla! I'm Alexis! Zach's told me so much about you! I've been dyin' to meet ya!" she gets up and gives me a hug. Did I mention she's sweet and friendly? She sits me down and talks to me about classes and sports. I learn she's a twirler and that she's in a year above me. "How did you two meet?" I ask trying to sound polite; my feelings for Zach haven't gone away yet, but Alexis seems so sweet. "Well, twirlers practice on the fields before the football players and I needed to talk to Ms. Williams, Angel William's mother, the twirling coach. I set my baton against a pole and left it. As I talked to her, I noticed my flag tippin' over and it fell really fast onto someone. I heard a yelp. I ran up to my pole and found Zach with a huge lump on his forehead and apologized. After that, he started goin' to the library during lunch 'cause I work there during my free period; then he asked me to be his girlfriend!" Alexis beams and smiles at Zach. "Oh... How cute!" I act all phony, "would ya look at the time! I gotta get home! Don't want my mother worryin'." I give Alexis a hug, Zach a nod, and walk quickly out the door. I love her, but I hate her... She's so sweet, but she's dating the person I love... "What so ya think of her," Zach calls from his lawn as I'm walking. I turn around and look at him in the eye, "She's worth keeping." I walk away before he starts another conversation and walk into my house. "DARLA SADIE PLATT. Where on earth have you been?" my mother runs up to me. "I went next door; I thought I told you," I respond. ""I just got so worried!" she pulls me into a hug, "what is that disgusting stench?" "I dunno," I tell her. She starts smelling my dress and her eyes widen, "Why do you smell like pot, Darla?" "I swear I didn't do it, momma!" I cry. "I told you! I don't like you hangin' out with Drew! He's nothin' but trouble! Look at him! His hair is disgusting and his clothing style! You should be embarrassed to talk to someone like him!" she yells. "That gives you no right to be judgin' like that, mother. Drew is very nice, and I can talk to whoever I wanna." "Don't talk to him anymore." "Why do I have to listen to ya?" "Are you kiddin'? I'm your mother! I know what's best for you!" "Shut your trap already." She slaps my face making my cheek tingle, "Darla, I didn't mean to..." I run outta the house and wall over to Drew's house again. I knock on the door furiously and run in when Zach answers it. I stomp into their basement even more infuriated interrupting their meditation. "Please be quiet, we're trying to concentrate," I hear Nathaniel's voice. "Just shut up and give me the pot." I take a box of matches on the side of a candle and see Drew holding up the bag. I roll it up, light it, and take my first puff of weed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry it's short! It's taking a while for me to post things, because I'm busy, but I won't give up! I hope you like the story .