 Pressured 

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by iSassBendAndSnapToBreakNoses, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. ~~~~UPDATE!~~~~

    Drew leads me into the hallway, holdin' my arm, just as the bell rings. The hallway quickly becomes crowded for lunch.

    Wow, I missed three classes...

    I never really ate in the cafeteria, so sittin' with Drew's friends inside the cafeteria will be so different. He leads me to a table near the upper right hand corner of the cafeteria where his friends sat. Two have long hair like Drew, but the girls look like every day normal teenagers.

    "Hey guys. This is Darla, and she's gonna sit with us now," Drew announces and the whole table turns around to look at me.

    All three girls turn around and give me a friendly smile, while the two guys don't even bother.

    "Hello, thanks for lettin' me sit here," I say thankfully.

    I sit across from the three girls that introduce themselves as Brooke, Rose, and Ashlee. Drew introduces me to the three guys at the table; the two with the long hair are twins Michael and Matthew, and the mysterious one with curly black hair is Brandon. They ask me questions about myself and try to include me in their conversation. I found out that they are the same age as Za-Danny, even though they look younger. Drew and I are the youngest out of the group, but they all accept the both of us.

    "Where's Boss?" I hear Michael... or Matthew ask.

    "Dunno, probably talking to the track coach, as usual," Drew responds.

    "Who's Boss?" I ask.

    "It's just..." Brandon starts.

    "Hey guys. I just got back from talking to the coach," a male voice says.

    "Hey Boss. Meet Darla, she's gonna hang out with us now," Rose smiles at me.

    "Well, lookie who we have here," I turn around and see Nathaniel lookin' right at me.

    "You're friends with him?!" I cry.

    "Relax, sweetheart. I'm not an asshole," he smirks.

    "Don't call me 'sweetheart'!" I protest.

    "It's called acting, hun. You should try it sometime. I only do that to kiss the coach's ass; you're a good runner, he shoulda let you join," he says, "anyway, did she do our test yet?"

    "Nah. Later tonight. Darla, can you hang with us tonight?" Drew asks.

    "What 'test'?" I ask.

    "It's to see if you can hang out with us," Nath-I mean, 'Boss' says.

    "What do I have to do?" I ask.

    "You'll see," he smirks, "so tonight?"

    I nod slowly.


    I get ready for tonight by putting on my black polka dot dress. They said we're gonna hang out at Drew's house, which is right next door to mine, so I'm not in any hurry. I throw on my black chucks and get to Drew's house on time. I ring the doorbell and within moments, the door opens.

    "Oh, hi Darla," Zach awkwardly says.

    Crap... I thought.

    "Oh hi, Zachary," I respond calmly.

    "I'm actually glad you came over because I wanted to talk," he says.

    "Oh, sorry, I'm hangin' out with Drew," I walk right in, brushing past him and heading to their basement.

    I didn't see his face, but I bet it's priceless.


    I walk down to the basement and find that everyone is already here. The basement floor is covered with dimly lit candles; they are all sitting in a circle with their eyes closed.

    After a couple minutes, Drew says, "Hello Darla. So glad you can join us."

    "What the hell are you wearing?" Nathaniel asked.

    Everyone shot him a dirty look and he puts his hands up innocently, "It's just, we don't dress like that."

    "It's alright, Darla," I hear Ashlee say, "we'll take her shoppin' after school tomorrow, Boss."

    I see their faint smiles, their shadow mostly, since the room is so dark.

    "So what's the test?" I ask.

    "Slow down, sweetheart," Nathaniel coos, "ya gotta meditate first."

    I sit down in their circle and copy their breathing exercises.

    This is so relaxing... I sigh.

    "And open your eyes, everyone. Do you feel relaxed?" Nathaniel asks.

    We all nod at him, "We would like to start our meeting by adding our new member, Darla, but first, she must complete our task."

    "What's the test, Boss," I say getting into character.

    He throws me a bag of smelly leaves, "You gotta smoke at least a dime."



    This is the update , I hope it didn't censor the last word. I'm pretty sure you know what it is if they did though. Slang names: Weed, pot, etc. Drugs is HUGE in the 60's and 70's and Drew's friends will really impact her life. Happy reading 
  2. OMG NATHANIEL! forgot about him. Omg I picture him so sexy in my mind
  3. I'll describe him later on , he's not major yet.
  4. I wanna know who Zach girlfriend is or am I the only one. But nice update! Nice and long(sounds naughty doesn't it). BUMP![
  5. I was going to mention her, but she's not really important 
  6. I wanna be in the story... To bad there's already a Danny
  7. Then you're in the story 
  8. Awww I wanna be in the story plz my names alexis BUMP
  9. I'm done with name's... Sorry. There are no more characters. If I mention Zach's girlfriend, you could be her .
  10. Only special people are characters. I wonder how I'm like. Hmmmm
  11. Lol yay I'm the Danny
  12. Rose is totes special 
  13. I'm in the story!But seriously? They are so mean to peer pressure her like that! UPDATE, I SAY, UPDATE!
  14. Thank you Shan
  15. She hasn't decided whether or not to do it yet 
  16. I haven't really been in the mood to write . You all need to make sure I don't ditch the story 
  17. Do you feel like writing now??? 0.0