 Pressured 

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by iSassBendAndSnapToBreakNoses, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. Oops I forgot . I'll post it soon 
  2. ~~~~UPDATE!~~~~

    I love Zach. There's not that much more to it. That warm, tinglin' feeling I get in my stomach tells it all. Just damn it! He loves me too. He even told me, but I'm just so stupid. I called him my brother . I'm such an idiot. I pace around in circles in my room wonderin' what I should do. I probably opened and closed the window eight times already.

    "Darla. We have no bread; can you go to the store and buy some?" my mother calls.

    Buying bread is the last thing I want to do righted now, "Alright, coming, momma."

    When I get downstairs, she gives me fifty cents and thanks me for runnin' the errand. Since I don't know how to drive, I have to walk three blocks to get downtown where the supermarket is, meaning, I have to walk by Zach's house. Okay, I'm still not over it, and walkin' by his house is a huge deal for me! There are so many memories, but I don't wanna get into that.

    I walk by his house, confidently, tryin' to quickly run past without drawin' attention. I kept my jog pace on the shortcut, which is a dirt path leading to the downtown area. I pass by Pet Parlor and see the cute little puppies at the window. I continue looking at them as I jog and SMACK! I run right into someone.

    "Sorry," I help them pick up their grocery bags, not botherin' to see who it is.

    "Thanks, Darla," Zach responds.

    Great, just the person I wanted to see...

    "Um, you're welcome," I respond after a pause.

    "How are things with um you," he starts gettin' uneasy and shifting back and forth.

    "Fine," I try to walk away, but he grabs my arm, "is there anything else?"

    "Can I come with you?" he asks.

    "Now ya wanna hang out with me? Funny. I'm going to the supermarket for bread," I respond stalkin' off and letting him follow me like a lost puppy, just like the ones in the window.

    We walk into the supermarket and feel the cold air from the meat section hit us. I walk immediately to the bakery where the freshly baked bread is, not even bothering to wait for Zach.

    As I'm choosing bread, he finally catches up, "I don't know why the coach didn't letcha on the team. You're faster than lightning!"

    "Oh. Thanks for remindin' me he didn't," I glare and look back at the bread.

    "Darla, I didn't mean-."

    "Just stop it, okay? Just stop."

    "What's wrong?" he grabs my arm again.

    "Just leave me alone," I jerk my arm away and quickly walk in line to pay for the bread.

    I walk out quickly, huggin' the load of bread like it's my own child and not turnin' back. I hear Zach's footsteps behind me, well, him runnin' to keep up with me.

    He eventually catches up because I have to cross the busy street to get back to my quiet neighborhood.

    "Darla, will you just wait a second?" he pants.

    "We've got nothin' to talk about," I say simply.

    Will this traffic light turn green already?!

    "There's plenty for us to talk about," he respond back, "please, Darla."

    "Alright, fine, what do you want to talk about then?" I say annoyed.

    "Well, um... I kinda don't know where to start." He stutters.

    "You're full of shit," I say angrily and walk across the street.

    Saved by the green light!

    "Darla, wait. Darla," he tries again.

    "Stop wastin' my time," I fire back angrily.

    "I just want to know what's wrong," he says and finally keeps up with my walking speed.

    "Oh gee golly! I wonder what could be the matter hmmmm. Maybe that one of my best friends kinda just left me without tellin' me anything. Or maybe because I'm all alone and I have no friends. Or maybe how I realized I loved him, but he's avoiding me! Oh gee golly."

    "You... You love me?" he looked surprised.

    "Do I have to say it again? I shouldn't be talking to you! You made me feel horrible about myself. I should hate you right now! I should-."

    Suddenly, he pulls me towards him, lifts my chin with his knuckles, and slowly leans inward. I widen my eyes as his lips brush lightly against mine and then they slowly began to close. I wrap my arms around his neck and our kiss deepens. I never imagined my first kiss from a boy; it seems so... different. His arms went to my hips to pull me closer to him havin' our bodies pressed together. We stay like that for a couple of minutes, on the hidden, dirt path back to our suburban homes. I never want this moment to end.

    But it did.

    We stop to catch our breath and see our breath fading into the chilly March sky.

    I look at him and whisper, "I love you."

    "I..." he responds.


    I totally broke my rule again . I didn't even start the next update, but I posted this one... This is such a cliffhanger. The beginning of the next update is dramatic and then it's less drama . I wanted to post this one so you can all suffer and I'll post the next one much later . I can't update tomorrow, but I will Sunday! Thanks 
  3. Oh my god! You describe a kiss so perfectly, most people just say 'and he kissed me', but you, you make it sound so gentle!I bet I sound like a pervert now!Anyways ...

  4. That was the first time I ever wrote a kiss in a story . Thanks, Brooke . And I'm going to wait and let you all suffer .
  5. I hate cliffhangers!! UPDATE!!!
  6. You two will suffer 
  7. I don't like to suffer, but I do it to all my readers..... I guess it's well deserved
  8. . It's not even that major of a cliffhanger!
  9. When will the next update be up??
  10. When I feel like finishing it . Probably later tonight when I actually sit down and write .
  11. I wanna know what he says
  12. What do you think he'll say 
  13. ~~~~UPDATE!~~~~

    "I still love you..." Zach finally responds, "but I'm with somebody else. I can't do this. I'm sorry."

    He lets go of me quickly and runs away, leavin' me on the dirt path, alone.

    I trudge my way home, slowly and silently, with my whole world just spinnin' around me. I just lost the love of my life, my best friend, and my brother.


    I throw the loaf of bread on the counter causin' my mom to flip out on me.

    "Don't act like that, young lady," she responds.

    "Leave me alone," I say and walk up to my room; I'm in no shape for anything right now.

    The next morning, I wake up with puffy, red eyes, after cryin' myself to sleep. I don't bother brushin' my hair or wearin' decent clothes. I've got no one to impress anyway. Seeing Zach drive by with his beautiful, new girlfriend didn't help me either. I saw him look at me with his sorrowful eyes, but I look away.

    I get to my first class of the day, PE. I change quickly into my disgusting, gym clothes and walk into the gym. Zach has gym this period too, but he has a different teacher.

    Zach... I sighed.

    "Pick your volleyball teams," Mr. Hines orders.

    Everyone picks a volleyball team, except for me. I have no friends. Mr. Hines puts me in with all the kids horrible at sports. I'd normally love to play volleyball, but not today.

    My teammates choose the net across from Shelly's team, unfortunately, and the game starts.
    As we switch off positions, Shelly and I line up face to face. I immediately look away.

    "Awww, is wittle Darla sad that Zachy has a girlfriend that isn't you?" she says loudly so the whole gym hears her.

    Everyone stops and listens includin' Zach. I look down at the floor letting' my hair cover my face.

    "Awwww look at this poor, little baby. All alone with no friends," Darla laughs and more laughs follow from the rest of the gymnasium.

    I look out of under my hair through the corner of my eye at Zach. He's just standin' there, starin' at me.

    "Don't be jealous, there are plenty of hideous guys that'd love to date you," she laughs.

    "What do you care? His girlfriend still isn't you," I respond lifting my chin up.

    She looks at me, shocked, yeah, I continue shockin' everyone. She cannot believe I have the nerve to talk back to her, wow. I'm full of surprises.

    "Yeah, but at least I didn't get my sorry lil ass dumped like you did," she says.

    The tears form in my eyes again and I just run. I run out of the gym full of laughter, into the hallway, into the front lobby, and out to the field. It's so cold still in March, and my arms and legs are freezing. I find a spot under the bleachers and just cry.

    I cry for a really long time about him choosing his girlfriend over me. I cry about why Shelly hates me so much. I cry because I have no one.

    "Hey there, you okay?" a voice says from behind me.

    "Leave me alone, Drew, your brother hurt me enough," I respond snifflin'.

    He hands me a tissue and sits down next to me, "He's a heartbreaker, ain't he? Always was. Even in our old school. He's got the good looks though."

    "Yeah. I'm sorry for lookin' like this. I'm a mess," I take a deep breath.

    "It's okay, I knew it'd happen sometime soon," Drew admits.

    "And you didn't warn me?" I slightly laugh and punch him in the arm.

    "I guess I'm too late, I'm sorry, Darla."

    "Thanks for being here for me, Drew. I have to get back to class."

    "Do you wanna go?" he asks.

    "No, Shelly probably spread that moment like wildfire. I can't go back in there."

    "Yes you can. Say, why don't ya hang out with me and my friends from now on? We're good people, I promise," he offers.

    "Thanks," I smile, "I'd really like that."

    He stands up and offers his hand to help me up. I give him a nice, long hug before returning into the school. I'm glad to now have friends, but who are these people?


    I guess you kind of predicted that dramatic scene . So! Darla has some new friends coming her way. Do you remember which group Drew belongs in? 
  14. Was that predictable? 
  15. Aint it the outcasts??? Sowwy I love this story haha because I am also Southern and it is just so amazin to read it Love the Update Great Job!!!!!
  16. Awww thanks guys! :') I thought no one was reading this! I'm updating tomorrow, I'm busy all day today .
  17. She is such a female dog ...