Alexa: -Hides behind the oak tree.- Sonia: I want it in a nice neighborhood. A pool, and sidewalks. And are known for good schooling
Sonia: -laughs with you.- Yea. I need to go look at places. By Alexa doesn't really talk to people. And I like that she's making friends.
Jay: -sighs- I'm sure Alexa and Alice with be bestfriends -smiles- Hey I'm buying icecream after the park want to come with us?
Jay:-calls Alice- Alice:- gets out from under the slide- Come on Alexa the gig is over. -pretends too look sad then finds Alexa and drags her to the moms-
Alexa: -Gets dragged back to my mom.- Sonia: Hi sweetie. We're gonna go get ice cream with Alice and Ms. Jay then we're gonna go home and unpack. Okay? Alexa: -nods and smiles.- Yay!
Jay: oops I totally forgot about pacoing if u woupd like to take a rain check for some other time then it would be okay Alice:-waits by the car -
Callum He changes into a Koto Jacquard tank top, palm tree printed shorts from Zara, yellow and grey Huf socks, and black Authentic Vans. After he has changed, he begins putting his things back into his gym bag.