Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -EvL_JP, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. -techygozibear- this guy is a good farm.
    I've got so much money from him,
    His stats are attack-100k Intelligence-18k
  2. Man dude active he inbox me don't farm him true shit he's active
  3. JaaayPeee
  4. Wow don't farm that person.. He's active 
  5. I'm active lol try me....
  6. Don't farm him he is active
  7. You wanna post techy as a farm then you'll get a taste of your own medicine  AHAHAHAHAHA!! LETS BURN TOGETHER JAAAYPEEE HEHEHE
  8. With fire.. BURN HIM WITH FIRE!!!!
  9. Jp doesn't pay good. Only 400k on first hit. Still fun tho and I don't have to use pots Maybe you shouldn't post active people to farm....  Just a thought