Would you be my friend if...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LittleMissP, Sep 10, 2011.

  1. Maybe

    Wybmf if i stole your money?
  2. Yes Would u be my friend if I had sex with Ur girlfriend?
  3. Yes
    Would you be my friend if i wanted you dead?
  4. No, would u be my friend if I kiss u?
  5. No Would u be my friend if I killed Ur pet.
  6. No cuz I'm a dude but yea if you were a girl, wybmfi I peed in ur pool
  7. NO
    Wybmf if I asked you not to and be my partner?
  8. My last reply was to vin2007
  9. No wybmfi I slept with ur sister
  10. Maybe

    Wybmf if i killed justin bieber?
  11. Wybmfi I snuck in to someplace jus to see u
  12. Yes. Would u be my friend if I stole ur cell number
  13. Yes

    Wybmf if i ate your lunch?
  14. No. Wybmf if I gave you an annoying bird?
  15. Yup wold you b my ferns if I gave it back?
  16. No. Wybmf if I was into beastiality
  17. Yes. Wood u b my friwnd if I was a loner with no friends 
  18. no would u be my friend if i killed ur whole family