Would you be my friend if...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LittleMissP, Sep 10, 2011.

  1. Yes
    wybmf if i farted every five seconds
  2. Yes

    Would you be my bff if I gave you a massage...
  3. I mean "Yes" to shizuma
  4. Wybmf if i gave u a panda
  5. Hell yes!!!!!! Wybmfi I had a pet like this?
  6. [color=dark red] bump [/color]
  7. hell yeah that things freaking awesome!!!!

    would u b my friend if I did the macarana(sp?) in public????
  8. Omg!! I knew it was awesome!! And yes!
    Would you be my friend if I killed your family?
  9. Would you be my friend if I shot you in the back you might as well ask, if you were to steal my cookies 
  10. Would you be my friend if this as a pet and it killed your dog?
  11. Would you be my friend if this was my pet  and it killed your dog??
  12. Oops, didn't mean to post it twice
  13. No! Would you be my friend if I hit you with a penny every time you said "the"?
  14. No! Will u be my friend if I kissed u?
  15. Depends 

    Would you be my friend if I ate you?
  16. Yes!

    Would you be my friend if I Eskimo kissed you?
  17. Get it cause I'm a Popsicle?