Would you be my friend if...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LittleMissP, Sep 10, 2011.

  1. Yes cause I have a crush on you to 
  2. Wybmf if I kissed u
  3. Yes... Would you be my friend if I left the country?
  4. Yes wybmf if I looked like this guy
  5. Yes

    Would you be my friend if I told you I had a crush on you?
  6. Yes
    Wybmf if I was 14?
  7. Yes for both wybmf if I loved things like this
  8. Yeah- it's awesome
    Wybmf if u was a serial killer
  9. Yes wybmf if I searched this
  10.  yeah
    Wybmf if I was bombing Korea as we speak
  11. Yeah wybmf if I caused this
  12. Yes
    Would you be my friend if I ran over your cat
  13. No wybmf if this was me
  14. No Wybmf if I was humping your dog
  15. Sure wybmf if this was me in PE/gym class
  16. Yeah i guess 

    Wybmf is i dated a zombie? 
  17. Sorta wybmf if I failed this much
  18. No, wybmfi I give u everything u ever wanted?