BoS6: Boyfriend's Redemption

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IceShardz, Jun 20, 2014.

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  1. Girlfriend side 
    2.2mcs  might upgrade still
  2.  ladies side  2.5 mcs now, will be lv2 BC by then
  3. Thank you for the warm response so far. Do pls remember to indicate your current stats and gender when signing up so we can capture the information accurately. And pls do update us on this thread should u upgrade before the deadline for upgrading. Thank u very much for your kind coorperation.
  4. Girls side 2mcs ?
  5. -AD_Wiser_Older_Brandon_
    Boyfriends Side
  6. Ꮹιrlfriεnds

    About 1.8mkcs
  7. 1.9 mcs
    The Girlfriends side
  8. Name : BabyShardz
    Gender : Male
    Stats : 1,843,200kcs
    Will upgrade
  9. Gender male
    Stats- t6lv1bc
  10. Might upgrade before, I'll keep ya posted
  11. Girlfriend
    Will upgrade
  12.  Girlfriend.
    Will finalize stats before deadline
  13. Girlfriends
    2.5mcs for now

    Will let you know finalized stats by upgrade deadline

    So glad you both are doing BOS again! They are always a blast
  14. Male
    Will upgrade
  15. Female
    1.8m cs
  16. Boyfriends
    1.92mcs now. Will upgrade tho.
  17. ~1.1m kcs and male
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