BoS6: Boyfriend's Redemption

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IceShardz, Jun 20, 2014.

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  1. Male
    2.01mcs 
  2. Maybe put the SFW on hiatus? ? Is that a thing?
  3. Male side, 2.7/2.8 mil cs, whatever is level 2 T6 BC
  4. Female ?

  5. Female
  6. Male 840kcs?
  7. Obviously 
  8. Female
    1.7 mcs I think lol
  9. Girls side ?
    2.5mcs will be doing ugs
  10. Male side 2.5mil
  11. Cancel my name i just read rules
  12. Ricecakes pls leave the thread ty.
  13. 2.7m and this time I won't leak like Niagra falls
  14. 1.8 mcs ⇧ GIRLFRIENDS
  15.  1.77mcs and will upgrade again.
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