BoS6: Boyfriend's Redemption

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IceShardz, Jun 20, 2014.

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  1. I want to join BoS wars

  2. 1.8mcs for nw..female
  3. Male side
  4. SignMe Up for Males Side
  5. Reminder to say both your gender and stats, not just one or the other.
  6. Update
    2.1mcs and still growing
  7. Female

    1.9mcs (will most probably upgrade)
  8. UPDATE: 1.9 mcs GIRLFRIENDS
  9. Friendly Reminder:

    Please indicate your CS and GENDER for your signup to be counted. Thank you!
  10. Male, I'll be l2bc when the date comes
  11. And 2.5mc currently
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