BoS6: Boyfriend's Redemption

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IceShardz, Jun 20, 2014.

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  1. Males. 2.76mcs. Come on guys it's revenge time. For us to kick butt.
  2. Boyfriends side current 2.04mcs maybe higher by then
  3. Why are u advertising here
  4. Girlfriends side
    2.6mcs for now
  5. Male 1.8mcs 
  6. Boyfriends side 1.3mcs at the moment
  7. Girlfriends side.
    1.76 mcs
  8. Girlfriends side 
    T6 lvl1 lcbc haha
    For now 
  9. Your rules are too overbearing. You make this seem less like a fun filled weekend and more like sitting in court. Just shut the fuck up and see which side wins.
  10. Make side. 553kcs 
  11.  This is very intense.
  12. I am joining the boy's side.
    I'm around 2.1mcs i'm keep upgrading.
    You got my link.
  13. -CA-Mr_Wallace
  14. Female side. 986KCS for now.?
  15. Girlfriend 1.9mcs for now
  16. Male side
  17. Female
    Idk my stats too lazy to leave this thread, check then return. :? But im the Old bc lol. Not uging t6 so wont be uging anyway :?
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