BoS 6: War Updates

Discussion in 'Wars' started by CharlotteAnne, Jul 6, 2014.

  1. Update stats: was lcbc still lcbc
    Update name change: was War-King, now War-King
    Update gender: haven't had a sex change 

     bump, boys will win
  2.  Female
    Ug Update: Was 2.1Mcs now 2.35Mcs
  3. @Lauren haha first time i ever saw u change ur name ?

    @War-King NO! GIRLFRIENDS WILL WIN AGAIN this year  and because of ur very accurate update u will be our first to show our appreciation.?

    Thank you everyone for ur updates. Keep 'em coming!
  4. ?but charrrrr
  5. Final stat update: 2.1mcs to 2.16mcs
    Name the same for the ladies side!
  6. I changed my name.. From
    Ariyah to

  7. Update;
    Name change; was IggyAzalea now iCrystalBringThemBoysToTheYard 
  8. Update on stats.️ Now I'm about 1.18MCS
  9. Updated stats, was 1.76mcs. Now 1.88 mcs
  10. Stat update from 1.92mcs to 2mcs
  11. update:
  12. Update 2.3 mcs female
  13. Fuck i missed sign ups
  14. Upgraded:
    ♂Guys side for the Win♂
  15. Upgraded from 2.5mcs to 2.6mcs
  16. Caspertheghost final upgrade: 1.38mcs girlfriends
  17.  Caspy totally means 2.3mcs
  18. Final upgrade 500KCS girlfriends 
  19. That's what caspy means  cheers ahli