 BoS 5: War of the Sexes 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by CharlotteAnne, May 31, 2013.

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  1. Female, 424kcs 
    Plan to be about 600kcs before the cut off.
  2. -YAK-JIU-LEAKY-FiDdY-  BC


    finally!! Been waiting for this hehehe!
  3. Male-280+kcsN ready to woop some girls
  4. Count me in for the guys side around 300 kcs.
  5. I'm in 
     Side
  6. I love a good war count me in
  7. Meh

    BC by then hopefully 
  8. Probably around 200kcs
  9. Kindly all note the minimum stats

    Additionally note that you can't sign up for someone else

    Iremzy go make us some Donners ?

    I'm in Male stats 647 kcs for now
  10. 406kcs but will be 600kcs by cut off time.
    Girls side
  11. Sign me Up..1.2mcs..thanks
  12. I'm in on female side 368kcs
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