 BoS 5: War of the Sexes 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by CharlotteAnne, May 31, 2013.

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  1. Guys side, 400kcs
  2. Signing up 400k csI'm in
  3. 394kcs
    Male side
  4. I'm in  side
  5. im in for male side, 162kcs
  6. Female ; 286kcs ; will upgrade before war 
  7. but i will be upgrading soon maybe hehe
  8. 176kcs sign me up for the male side!! 
  9. I'm in male side  250kcs
  10. Female 433kcs 
  11. ?bring out the whips and chains?

  12. TU_NENE - MALE - 352kcs
  13. Lcbc sign me up 
  14. Count me in!!! I loved the last BOS war!!!!!
  15. Post Genders
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