 BoS 5: War of the Sexes 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by CharlotteAnne, May 31, 2013.

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  1. Noted Munch
  2.  Than you so much
  3. 92kcs
    Girls side
    Name :Angel
  4.  yes yes yes

    Lcbc female 
  5. Ok munch np 
  6. LCBC guys side I will already begin training like Rocky 
  7. Me pick me LCBC
  8. Male side, JF-Almighty-Noe am about 488kcs
    I will still be upgrading :)
  9. FEMALE I WILL BE hopefully 800kcs or more by then.
  10. male 90kcs now, will be 100kcs 
    Believe i signed up b4 but couldnt make it x.x

    Letz do it this time
  11. ?I choo choo choose you, Cour!?

    In case my snarky comment earlier didn't count  I'm a LCBC
  12. Abbyu stay home make me breakfast and dinner, or I'll  u very hard

    BF RULES
  13.  685kcs 
  14. I'll be in for the men 136kcs
  15. Female.
    Current stats: around 666kcs.
    But I'll be doing a massive ug soon.
  16. Dudes side. 827k but will be 900k by the war
  17. Joining girls side 709kcs
  18. Joining on boys side 650kcs 
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