Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -GOOD-LolUMadBro, Sep 13, 2012.

  1. Still rebelling.
  2. /)_______-
    DONT DO IT!!
  3.  Meh? Vile? I'm such a nice king that I allowed you to have Phillip in your name 
  4. Power abuse! >:0

    I will not fall into the ranks of the corrupted nor will I stand by helplessly watching innocent people be brainwashed by your corruption!! >:0
  5. when was vile mentioned?
    But good point..
  6. I have sweets xD
  7. Now you're poisoning the innocent children!! 

    You're bribery is not effective!
  8. I have ladies
    ANG3L_D3STINY My twin xD
  9. You don't have candy and a van, sweets are uneffective!
  10. Now you're disrespecting women!! >:0

    When will your evilness end?! WHEN?!
  11. HAHA! You didn't put Phillip_Babe, I am freeeeee
  12. When the apocalypse comes._.
  13. Phillip
    I'm not changing my name son.
  14. Phillip_Babe
  15. Your wicked deeds shall be put to a stop! :L
  16. It's like 5 v .5 ;I think we can do this.
  17. Ok Mom. As long as your not against me :3
  19. Well fool the rebels have a wolf :p