Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -GOOD-LolUMadBro, Sep 13, 2012.

  1. Are you guys married??
    Cause if you are you are so mean not to invite me to the wedding
  2. we both know it's not true!!!

    I'm not paying for the kids
  3.  girls can have kids? o_O
  4. it wasn't supposed to be that way.
    I just, you left me for that rocky road ice cream!!! You left me standing there watching you...
  5. We are getting married, it will be a wedding party
  6. male donors!!
  7. 
  8. Beans watch this
  9. Tis gonna be a men v girls party,
    2 clubs : Bachelors and sissies
    Whoever completes the most parties in 1 day wins...then we fight 
    Boys Rule, Dem Girls Drool
    Men have class, Dem girls wear trash
  10. sissies? Can we be da hoes?
  11. Ok Phillips hoes v bachelors 
  12. I don't want to be a Philip 
  13. You must, or facedeath
  14. I'll risk it 
  15. All you are my hoes for that day 