Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -GOOD-LolUMadBro, Sep 13, 2012.

  1. D: I want a fancy Phillip name too! 
  2. You can be candycornerphillipdoll?
  3. No. Must be fancier e.e
  4. Then what do you suggest e.ê
  5. LeCandéPhillipeDoll
  6. (/'_')/ |___|
  7. :lol: I still can get over your creativity...Philliphornia
  8.  e.ê ê.e
  9. I know you do xD
  10. maybe I do, maybe I dont
  11. I'm a Phillaholic 
  12. The proper structure is..
    My name is (cue teary eyes)
    (take a deep breath) (insert name here) and I'm....
    (dramatic pause) a (cue pained expression) *whispers* philliholic
    (cue applause)
  13. keep my thread alive, we can let ___________ win the bet