Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -GOOD-LolUMadBro, Sep 13, 2012.

  1. 3) come at me slenderetard 
  2. My name isn't Phillip and posted here. 
  3. Join the Phillips or be executed
  4. Cuz the great Phillips have spoken 
  5. But the great candies haven't spoken yet 
  6. I'm so badass I eat candy for breakfast this means you sweetcandyfloss
  7. You eat humans for breakfast? I think that's what Phillips do. Seems legit..
  8. I don't want to be a phillip though 
  9. 
  10. I'm a rebel with no reson to rebell
  11. Well since sparrow left, the leader of the rebellion is no more..giving the Phillips a higher advantage
  12.  can I be an honorary Phillip too?

    Philahlip? 
  13. Sure xD
  14. I prolly fucked yo bitch nigga