Discussion in 'Wars' started by 00_Sommy, Nov 11, 2013.

  1. Ikels side. Lcbc
  2. How again? Too lazy to read. Can someone register me. Thanks 
  3. I need a reminder but I don't mind whichever team.
  4. It is awkward when your stats are too nooby to do anything. I can't even join a decent club because everything available at my stats are those shit rp clubs
  5. Sign me up or bromance
  6. ? Great  just wanted a fun war, not ppl say we'll lose and such, tbh havent read thread  too long, but peace and love in threads, hold ur beef and such til war  that is all ? ohh and Axle is awesome 
  7. Only if I didn't migrate to a new phone...???
  8. bromance
  9. Axle n me have bromance of course ill join
  10. Les-be-friends side lol 1.2mcs
  11. Strenght : 176,060 Intel : 176,060 I would like Booties and pineapple aaaand cheesy crust
  12. PermSilencedAlan Lcbc Bromance side!
  13. I plan to joincan I choose sides later??
  14. obvs I need to side with my lovely pupil,
    Watch out bro's were gonna kick ur butts?

  15. Raven, Ty and Axle are out for admins and war