Birthday War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Meagan, Sep 6, 2013.

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  1. Dear everyone who had signed up,

    I'm sorry but I do have to cancel the war ._."
    Which I'm not very happy about. I'm sorry to those who have signed up ._.

    I actually have to go to a funeral on my birthday. ._. Which isn't really the best thing to go to on your birthday but I hope you all understand :(
  2. Aww it's okay Meggy.

    My condolences to whoever passed
  3. ?I'm sorry Meggy. Don't be too sad, alright? It's still your birthday.
  4. I'll try not to be sad thanks for understanding all and for all the prayers :) you guys are so sweet!
  5. My condolences love. Sending prayers your way.
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