Noob, Troll, Reg, Vet?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -YDOBON-, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. Forums Noob, But Stats of a Vet
  2. You are the biggest noob
  3. I like to think I’m a troll ?
    Vet stats but I’m a noob, woot woot. 4 months strong! 
  4. 60mcs in 4months jeez 
  5. You missed the part where you're supposed to rate the person above you.

    So you get the dreaded forum noob
  6. That’s called money 
  7. A bully troll noob
  8. Oh that’s because I stopped caring ??‍♀️
  9. Troll but I’m disappointed not enough low hanging fruit to cyber bully