Noob, Troll, Reg, Vet?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -YDOBON-, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. bigger noob
  2. Regularish
  3. Vet

    Yayy I got a regish :lol: that's my average so far out of 5 it's been Reg,Reg,reg,noob boob,regish
  4. Getting called a noob by this noob  priceless 
  5. Noob, perhaps an alt
  6. Reg  ppl really need to learn the difference between noob and newb. I been playing for almost 3 years btw, just a new account 
  7. I been playing for 3 weeks. Noob.
  8. Whoa  thats a mega noob
  9. Noob?simply because of your showcase items.
  10. Vet and Goddess
  11. Often incorrectly used in place of
    "newbie", a noob is someone who is not only
    inexperienced with - or lacks knowledge about
    - a given subject, but also steadfastly refuses to
    learn from those with more experience and
    knowledge. A newbie is simply ignorant, a
    noob is a PITA.