Noob, Troll, Reg, Vet?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -YDOBON-, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. Both of you are trolls even spitfire is better behaved than you noobs.
  2. Someone jealous.
  3. no you two just have no sense of cop on are you guys 12 or something?
  4. Oh, someone is cool. Do you think I care? 
  5. LOL why is my name on that post
  6. Because you're a cool kid. And I'm a piercing on a ...... 
  7. Sometimes you can tell how long someone has been here by their showcase gifts ._.

    E.I. I have that Hula Guy in my showcase which proves I was here during summer pf 2012.

    But for some it doesn't work cause they either reset, or they're on an alt :lol: or they just didn't get that showcase item during that time period.
  8. ^youve been here a long time ;)
  9. I'm a time traveler.
  10. That was for Angel. >_>