Noob, Troll, Reg, Vet?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -YDOBON-, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. Noob - who are you.-.
  2. Tht was for someone else 
  3. You must be new to forums
  4. Oh then i take that back
  5. Not really
  6. Alice is a vet  spam war 2011 champ
  7. Noobish reg?
  8. My comment was for the guy above raven
    Roy!? Vet!
    They moved that thread to fan-fiction
  9. Spanking check pm?
  10.  this game is back again

    I'm vet I guess idk you
  11. Oops wrong spanking?
  12. Dammit raven 