Noob, Troll, Reg, Vet?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -YDOBON-, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. I eat butterflies

  2. whynoob
  3. Sorry dont know who it is what was your old name butterfly? 

    And reg
  4. Because they taste like apples.

  5. whats pik mean lmao?
  6. My bad simp didnt know that was your new name cant believe i didnt recognize a former pupil
  7. Pop. I say random stuff ?

    Cherry. 
  8. Reg. 
  9. Vegetarian. 
  10. They see me trollin ?
  11. The hatin'
  12. *They #Fail 
  13. The mods're trynna catch me chatting dirty 