Meggy nvr intended this thread to turn into what it has. So I am going to step back on this last thought, Everyone is entitled to their own opinion… no matter how stupid. Meggy, thank you hun for your threads. They are typically amusing.
Like I opinion is opinion... You could have chose to step back when I said about people who take money ?
Thank you Jackie! I try my best with these threads? Now back to jobs is anyone a race car driver or work at the zoo
I wanna work at a restaurant the people the food ahhh seems so fun! Bone! Thank you for every thing you do! Your opinion is your opinion and I do respect that
? well I'm a stay at home mum now but up until she was born I was an office manager for a national charity and worked since I was 15 in good paid jobs such as a football coach for a team that was in the premier league and a boxing tutor so yes I get benefits now but I've also paid taxs and when my daughter goes to nursery I'll be going back to work and paying more taxs and I agree being a mum is the hardest job ever running an office is a breeze in comparison but it's defiantly not as rewarding
I will not be a stay at home parent. That's a never. I'm Not gonna deny it, I'm not married. When you me, dating is on and off, depending. So No I cannot relate to all of those things. But a stay at home parent, no. I'd rather work and be happy to see my children when I do, than take them for granted. People are gonna dislike me form my own opinion, but I honestly don't care. I'm entitled to it
Ooo food sounds exciting! Turkeys are strange they have scary faces and they chase you when they get mad
Oh and meggy, before I made the decision to stay home. I was a certified nursing assistant in a nursing home. I work w/ people who were recieving end of life care.
Cute little old people jackie I kinda wanna be a nurse but then I don't! Haha I'm can't decided on what I wanna do I'm doing my generals first so we shall see if my mind is made up soon
Assassin! haha what if another assassin had the job to assassinate you and you had the job of assassinating him it would be an assassin off
By the time they reached my floor they were heart breaking. I loved each of my residents as my own family. Each time we lost one my heart hurt. Cyric said he could always tell when one passed because I became rather grumpy for a few days.