
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by meggyboo, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. And adreniline don't be doing it for free when you can get paid
  2. Mom job decription. Taxi, cook, cleaner, therapist, teacher, personal shopper, the list goes on.
  3. Adrenaline*
  4. If ignorance is bliss you must truly be the worlds happiest person. And in fact I pity you.
    Yes I cook, and clean. Like any w/ a home. Yes I say hi to my boys… but the second the get off the bus. Then we do homework. And anything else they need.
    What no rude comment because I mow my yard. Or take care of my animals? Or any other stupid attempt at an insult you want to try?
    I am proud of who I am. And what I do. So bugger off. You seem the sort to try building urself up by putting others down. What a childish behaviour.
  5. Like I said, each to their own

    My view is my view. If someone chooses not to work, it's their choice, I probably wouldn't be too fond of them. But it's their choice just like engineering was mine.

    Just like MPs are inconsiderate arseholes and raise their own pay by 11% whilst people pay are on freeze. Meh.
  6. Ace do you think that's all moms do? Clean cook and say hi

    Moms are a support system, a friend, a nurse,
    A shoulder to cry, on a warm hug when needed, a ear that listen to everything you say, a person who understands that a you need a little push or a to be held back at times, a person who will love unconditionally and a person who won't judge.
    Moms worker harder then most
    Learn what a mom does before you open your mouth
  7. And so are fathers,
  8. Honestly; hell I get paid to take care of kids...., and honestly I wouldn't give it up for the world....

    Children need someone to watch them when mommy and daddy are at work busting their bums so they can have better than they did. :)

    Mothers and fathers who stay home and takes care of the kids and house thank you..... Without you kids wouldn't have quality bonding time and the love and affection they need. :)
  9.  you're awesome!
  10. 
  11. Bonecrusher you should get outta the service and join me as a turkeybater
  12. I sorry but I still refuse to believe that 
  13. you'll learn soon enough
  14. Bonecrusher, thank you for your service.
  15. well said bonecrusher! :)
  16. And one more thing...... I would take care of anyone's kids for free... Cause it's something I love doing and I love kids. :) personally I'd probably be a stay at home mother or have a business where I can work from home.
  17. Information analyst for the UK government
  18. Maybe i will. Most likely I will not
  19. Casper are you a spy?
  20. Nothing wrong with analysing uk government 