
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by meggyboo, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. Maybe if his mom stayed home with him and taught him some manners, he wouldnt be so rude.
  2. Media company, Account Manager;

    Ata is a client of mine :)

    Started as a gaming company - turned into a video company. Just bought a health site, things are coming together.
  3. King I hope those turkeys appreciate you

    Cyric! I mean cuticle Jackie is a hard worker all moms are and I'm proud of all moms!mom power
  4. Work in the steel industry, work shifts (5 8 hour days, 4 10 hour nights), loads of banter with my co workers, enjoy it to a degree, been working 6 years.
  5. Deadly that sounds fun!
  6. Personally I applaud parents(that actually take care of their kids) who are stay at home parents, it strengthens their relationships with them, and it really sucks missing a lot of your child's life when you have to work especially during those first 8 or 10 years
  7. So you work voluntary JackieD? If so, you still are not paying lmao
  8. I master bate turkeys too, but I'm unemployed
  9. Steel? 6 years that sounds fun 
  10. beeby 
    i am a full time student and work as a waitress at a hookah bar ?
  11. When my oldest was little I did work. He saw more of his daycare provider than he did Cyric and I. And in the end it turned out our son was not being cared for properly, in fact was being mentally abused.
    So Cyric and I discussed it at length before it was decided I would stay home w/ our children. I am so tired of people putting down us stay at home parents who do not use any assistance. Because it is what we deem best for our children.

    I bust my butt daily to keep everything running smoothly. I know who my kids friends are, what they did in school, what areas they need help in and I am there to make sure they grow up knowing right from wrong, and have sense of respinsiblity.
  12. She works hard taking care of her family an other families she may not get paid in money but she gets paid in love and the respect of others, she is a caring person who would do anything for her family and her friends and probably even others! Money does not make a person neither does a job, people do what they want if it makes them happy. She gets to spend time with her kids who will be thankful for that! Lots of kids don't see their parents due to 8-10 hour jobs. SO BACK OFF of her staying at home! she works hard and I'm proud of her!
  13. jackie u dont owe ignorant pple any explaination. Smh
  14. I don't work … hope i was working 
  15. Meggyboo, I love you!!
  16. I refuse to believe you bust your butt daily, I'm sorry but quite frankly that's bs. You cook, clean... Say hi to your children. All of which can be done at your own pace.

    Each to their own.
  17. I ✔Respect Jackie✔ it's doesn't look easy being a mother getting up early for your kids cleaning the house making dinner and then again to do it again all over the next day, even when I was growing up looking at my family having only a brother who is special Ed with unexplainable genetical problems some people see mothers as not a job at all compared to a "mans" job moms do a lot for there family's .. Having money issues an ext.. Moms do a lot to make it work
  18. Ace did your mommy neglect u or something?
  19. I love you too Jackie you are a super mom

    Beebya hookah bar hahasounds fun

    Get a job a fun one! Haha if it's with fun people time will fly!
  20. What about the moms who do all that AND have a 9-5