Do you speak Aussie?

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by -Ahli-LovesMike, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. What a cracker.of a yarn...
  2. ? nice!! Thanks Kandy!'
  3. Finally I know how did ahli spend her day in real life?poor ahli
  4.  oh shush, iBro!! :roll: 
  5.  chickie  the memories  KFC crushers and hi, I'm from Bondi 
  6. Love it Ahli 
    You need to write part 2 with more Aussie Slogans 
  7.  Lei  there are SO many ?
  8.  brilliant
  9. And the award for best post of the century goes to.... Ahli! Love it!
  10.  Rep!!  thank you!! 
  11. Hahahha effin awesome ahli
  12.  thanks Joe! 
  13. ?

    I LOVE IT AHLI ! 
  14.  thank you Badiaa
  15. About two thirds of it is pretty understandable either from context or similarity to more well-known slang terms. The rest is like another language. o_o
  16. This is still going, mate?

    my Aussie impersonation. I fail 
  17.  lmao, Liska! It's awesome to me that we have so many different words for things.. Like, it's cold here this morning, and I need a jumper (aka sweater) 

    Not fail at all, Justin!! 