Do you speak Aussie?

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by -Ahli-LovesMike, Jul 12, 2013.

  1.  snags, mate.. Snags.. 
  2.  I call them snazzies
  3.  Mum calls them snausages ?
  4. 
  5. I read that and pictured this bloke. Haha

  6.  PERFECT!! THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is an Aussie yobbo, with his ute and esky
  7. Yobbo/bogan...same thing.
  8.  indeed, Mush lol
  9. I actually talk like thisfair dinkum I'm a bloody bogan tradie
  10. Dinkum is filtered??????
  11. Bar *  not Pub on the US version ?
  12. Fair shake of the sauce bottle
  13.  gotta love an Aussie bogan, Foot! And I still think of that Dan Ilic dude when I see your name 
  14.  thanks Choke, I'll remember that lol
  15.  Ahli, good work 
  16.  thanks CLR
  17. 
  18. Can someone tell me why that word is filtered plz i don't understand