Do you speak Aussie?

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by -Ahli-LovesMike, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. I thought pokies would be pool ?

    Damn, I'm not Aussie ?
  2. was that supposed to be fun?
  3. Vegemite is nasty.....Australians eat it like Americans eat Nutella but I don't see how.
  4. Vegemite sanga  a sausage sanga with vegemite 
  5. If you ate Vegemite like Americans eat their nutella (out of the jar, with a spoon, on the couch) you would die
  6. I don't speak absolute stupid, so no I don't speak your language.

    Aussies are  tho.

    Except Ahli.

    She's just a noob.
  7. Ayeeee I remember this thread LOL. I still haven't tried vegemite to this day.
  8. Struth, i got blind on OP and a slab of VB last night. Ended up pashing with me mates girl in the dunny at the pub. He got all agro.

    No worries tho, had a black aspro and panadol this morning. Had my after grog bog and the pong drove me out of the flat. Off to the milk bar for a pack of pj's and chocky Big M.
  9. I'm Aussie, don't speak like that. But truly understand what the Aussie slang the man used. Ten bucks says he has a big beard. o.o
  10. AUSSIE TIPS: Vegemite is disgusting. Use butter with it and it taste like a million dollars.
  11. Tut tut tut... It's Poker...
  12. useless bump. in b4lock
  13. it wont be locked
  14. Vegemite is gr8
  15. You broke your own rule, you spoke stupid.
  16. Fair dinkum mate
  17. I actually read this rapping lol
  18. This couldn't get anymore bogan, op do you live off of Centrelink?
    Just kidding ily
  19. It doesn't sound that bad rapping 