Do you speak Aussie?

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by -Ahli-LovesMike, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. years go by quick
  2. wow I actually remember this from that long ago. Am I getting that old? It's been a long time PIMD. Miss the ol' folks.
  3. After seeing this post I decided to post.
    I also understood everything you said....accent included.
  4. It's not sad. It's called dialect. As soon as they don't talk that way in a formal context (college, tv, etc.), all is good. The use of language is a matter of adequacy to the context, not just correction or incorrection.
  5. Still love this!
  6. :0 someone translate!
  7. Never know you were an Aussie you sick funt. Aye. Ocker af
  8. Our way of life is far too superior for you to understand Omar :)
  9. that was funny bec, not really you specifically arent supperior to anyone
  10. But she's right. Our way of life is best
  11. maybe, but i believe in equality , unless idea of master race is back , and some people believe they are better than others just because of country they belong to
  12. Does enigma even had a life?
  13. no takane i didnt have one
  14. Lmao i was reading this again the other day