Noob, Newb, Troll, Reg, or Vet, and more.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-CareBearCrystal, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. Guessing he gave you some bad arpee or something
  2. Arpee sounds like tough buisness
  3. Apree is a tough business
    69 cents an hour ?
    Rp Noob
    Vo likes this.
  4. Cheap af, I’ll rent 3 hrs.
    Forum Chiller
  5. Nubs all of you
  6. This thread is so judgmental k bai
  8. *casts a sleep spell*
  9. Ancient vet.
    Omg, page 666, :shock:.
  10. Nub.
    I am on page 666 :')