Noob, Newb, Troll, Reg, or Vet, and more.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-CareBearCrystal, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. Vet

    Wedgies are the best thing in world
  2. You make me feel honorificabilitudinitatibus

    TBH I was expecting dance fairy but Crash is good cause you can't Describe me in words :ugeek:
  3. oh me oh my

  4. Wow Adam blocking my rating. Lame
  5. Type faster Tiffany
  6. I got tooo many likers yano ???
  7. ^ Cant believe you unfollowed me, noob ?
  8. I can't believe this  you wrote this active topic in 2014 and peoples still writes on it 
  9. Afraid of being farmed? It looked like she/he was a scammer to me. And being afraid of getting farmed doesn't mean you're a noob.