Noob, Newb, Troll, Reg, or Vet, and more.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-CareBearCrystal, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. Masterpiece

    Edit: bronco u nub. Stop being so fast
  2. Megan = noob :?
  3. Oh wow. I suck at bb coding :?
  4. Try having to act all mature in HS and u can't be lazy on here I guess .I'm the opposite of what I am in RL so if you don't like it then get me perm banned from making threads .oh wait u can't cuz i make threads once in a while :p
  6. Add the "" on the name :(
  7. You post-count farm and derail to talk about nonsensical babble on the daily. If people got irked enough to report you, I promise you'd be gone. LOL.
  8. I know I just did tks :(

    Ok now can you stop winning things?
  9. Never ;)
  10. Noobbbbb hehehe reg.

    And art actually crystal could sinply ask her to leave and she would never be allowed to post here again
  11. Megan nobody cares about your neon Pikachu hat. Or your haircut. Or your even build. :)

    The truth hurts :(
  12. Ok, back on topic. Noob.
    *edit, crap, I missed two pages, this rate was for that meg, apologies
  13. Ooh, this is almost at 500 pages.?
  14. Yah thot big whoop
  15. I don't care cuz it's useless you ppl never will change ur opinion even if I do change my Way's???
  16. #Roode
    ^Meant for Rude. You people type too damn fast. :cry: