The Travelling Wall Artist

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Katedizzy, Apr 8, 2012.

  1. Enjoy ☆彡
  2.  me too 
  3. I want some too
  4. Ah okay 
  5.  currently doing my clubs war art if anyone wants to show their support
  6. Bumpity bump. Yes I am the one who started the free art trend. I only decided to ever do this because I helped a friend one time who was feeling down one day. I made art for them not as a favor but because I wanted them to have a little happiness to remember that day. We are still great friends and I encourage people to share their art with those who are experiencing bad days.
    ☆彡thanks for the support
  7. Send meee walll art please???
  8. Sent! Enjoy the art☆彡
  9. More plz!!!!!
  10. Can I please have some art?
  11. I would like some wall art 