The Banning Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. He asked me and said that you were fine with it. :'(
  2. I know :( It's okay now tho, We rarely talk anyways so idc
  3. We haven't really talked either since he told me his age LOLOL. Oh well.
  4. Damn. Lololol. I never even knew his age fr. Like jeez.
  5. He lied to me at first and then he told me after I RS'd him. ? Really pissed me off tbh.
  6. Banned for having a conversation in this thread.
  7. Banned for not having a convo in thread
  8. Banned for being French fries. :(
  9. Banned because you have a tutor named after a model ?
  10. Banned because it got hired away. And banned for stalking.
  11. Banned for banning 2 times
  12. Banned for having an annoying phrase as a name
  13. Banned for hating on that annoying phrase
  14. Banned for talking bout my username
  15. Banned for being cool
  16. Banned for thinking im cool?
  17. Banned for being self obsessed. ?
  18. Banned for killing grammer
  19. Banned for being a hunter
  20. Banned for not liking hunting.