The Banning Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Banned for using an emoji too
  2. Banned for not using one
  3. Banned for not being creative 
  4. Banned for being a phantom hobo
  5. Banned for not making me fries!! 
  6. Banned for being mean to a hobo
  7. Banned for not doin a woman's job and cooking
  8. Banned for having hobo nutz! ?
  9. Banned for using nutz instead of nuts,cuz it did hurt me
  10. Banned for being the second
  11. Banned for being first
  12. Banned for me being last
  13. Banned just cause
  14. Banned for thinking books are your escape. One does not simply teleport into a book and escapes.
  15. Banned for banning bff. ?
  16. Banned for bring Christian Grey in disguise.
  17. Banned for banning bff and stealing rs's 
  18. Before edit. :lol:
  19. I hate youuuuu bff :cry:
  20. Ily too. <3