The Banning Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Banned for not following back
  2. Banned for complaining
  3. Banned for lack of an original reason to ban.
  4. Banned for being creative.
  5. banned for shrek is love, shrek is life
  6. Tyty!!!! :cool:. Banned for appreciating it, :cool:.
  7. Banned for being cool
  8. Banned for being hot, :( .
  9. Banned bc you made my phone fall on my face :cry:
  10. Banned for not having a better grip on your phone
  11. Banned for having a good grip on your phone.
  12. Banned for not dropping your phone
  13. Banned for not being ready to catch the phone regardless of if it was dropped or not scrub...
  14. Banned cause I don't want no scrub
  15. Banned for coming back on this thread after a long time.
  16. Banned for still having that username
  17. Banned for promoting natural disasters
  18. Banned for being a natural disaster
  19. Banned for making me laugh. 
  20. Banned for using an apple emoji