The Banning Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Banned for having an anti-perv name
  2. Banned for the hate
  3. Banned for not being as awesome as me 
  4. Banned for wishful thinking
  5. banned for being cc killer
  6. Banned for being jealous
  7. Banned for being a sinner 
  8. Banned for being Dark
  9. Banned for liking blood ,_,
  10. Banned.

    You are banned for attempting to ban me.
  11. Banning u for trying to ban me
  12. Banned for being a fellen pearli
  13. banned for too much epicness
  14. Banned because im not sure how to pronounce your name
  15. banned for not using "hooked on phonics"
  16. Banned for using that hokey word
  17. Banned for misspelling "Imagine" in username
  18. Banned coz theres no N before 64
  19. Banned for clever-ness