The Banning Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Banned for booty juice
  2. Banned cause hoagie
  3. Banned bcuz 2-1=bathtub?¿
  4. Banned bc cool name
  5. Banned cause 1+1=bathtub
  6. Banned cus lowkey+chickenbreast= adam?
  7. Banned for creating formulas that can't be proven.
  8. Banned for banning for a logical reason
  9. banned for being crystals tutsie ?
  10. Banned for being too adorable.
  11. Banned for not having L as the first letter of the 3rd word in your name
  12. Banned for thinking that's compulsory.
  13. Banned for using vocabulary words better than 90% of PIMD'ers.
  14. Banned for banning a smart person
  15. Banned kus u too koo fo skoo
  16. Banned because I thought you were speaking a different language for a minute there
  17. Banned cause 1+5=Pasta salad
  18. Banned for a terrible ban that not even Han Solo can save
  19. Banned for being way too amazing