The Banning Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Banned for not wanting that person to be a shark in that tornado
  2. Banned for making people eat lemons 
  3. Banned for not enjoying a good pure lemon snack.
  4. My love is arnell
  5. Banned for not banning
  6. Banned for banning someone for not banning .-.
  7. Banned for having an upside down emoji
  8. Banned for using an emoji
  9. Banned for stating a lie
  10. Banned for noticing the lie
  11. Banned for not accepting the lie.
  12. Banned for accepting a lie :mrgreen:
  13. Banned for using that emoticon ?
  14. Banned for being against emoticons :(
  15. Banned for not being against emoticons...????????
  16. Banned for not knowing the difference between emojis and emoticons
  17. Banned for using too much emoji ?
  18. Banned for not using too much emojis
  19. Banned for having a space in your name
  20. Banned for having an out of season name ?